Singapore Institute of Technology SIT 



top General Information


Street:10 Dover Drive


Post Code:138683


Institution Funding



Created 2009. Acquired current status 2014



Accrediting Agency

Ministry of Education (MoE)

top Officers

Head : Tan Thiam Soon

Job title:President

Senior Administrative Officer : Wing Leong Chan

Job title:Deputy President (Administration) and Chief Financial Officer

top Divisions

Department/Division : Chemical Engineering and Food Technology

Fields of study:Chemical Engineering, Food Technology

Department/Division : Design and Specialized Businesses

Fields of study:Business Administration, Design

Department/Division : Engineering

Fields of study:Engineering

Department/Division : Health and Social Sciences

Fields of study:Health Sciences, Social Sciences

Department/Division : Infocomm Technology

Fields of study:Information Technology, Telecommunications Engineering

top Degrees

Bachelor Honours

Fields of study:Accountancy, Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Hotel and Restaurant, Information Technology, Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Occupational Health, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Pharmacy, Power Engineering, Production Engineering, Radiology, Software Engineering, Transport Engineering

Master's Degree

Fields of study:Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Structural Architecture


Also Joint Undergraduate Degree Programmes with University of Glasgow (UK), Newcastle University (UK), DigiPen Institute of Technology (USA), Massey University (New Zealand), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland); Undergraduate Degree Programmes from Technical University of Munich (Germany), University of Glasgow (UK), DigiPen Institute of Technology (USA), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), University of Liverpool (UK), The Culinary Institute of America (USA), The Glasgow School of Art (UK)

Updated on 01-10-2018