University of Plymouth  


United Kingdom

top General Information


Street:Drake Circus


Post Code:PL4 8AA


Institution Funding



Founded 1970 as Plymouth Polytechnic, became Polytechnic South West 1989, acquired present status and title 1992

Academic Year

September to June (September-January; February-June)

Admission Requirements

General Certificate of Education (GCE) with 2 passes at Advanced ('A') level or Advanced ENVQ, or a good BTEC National Certificate or National Diploma. For HND, normal minimum qualification are passes in 4 General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects (1 at 'A' level or Advanced GNVQ), or a BTEC National Certificate or National Diploma



Student Body


top Officers

Head : Judith Petts

Job title:Vice-Chancellor

Years of office:2016-

Senior Administrative Officer : Gavin Douglas

Job title:University Registrar and Secretary

International Relations Officer : Dafydd Moore

Job title:Deputy Vice-Chancellor, International and Planning

top Divisions

Faculty : Arts and Humanities

Fields of study:Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design, Education, English, Fine Arts, History, Media Studies, Performing Arts, Photography, Writing

More details:Exeter and Plymouth

Faculty : Business

Fields of study:Accountancy, Banking, Business Administration, Criminology, Economics, Finance, Law, Management, Marketing, Sports Management, Tourism

More details:Plymouth

Faculty : Health and Human Sciences

Fields of study:Clinical Psychology, Health Sciences, Midwifery, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Physical Therapy, Podiatry, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sociology

Faculty : Science and Environment

Fields of study:Animal Husbandry, Biological and Life Sciences, Biomedicine, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology, Marine Engineering, Marine Science and Oceanography, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Psychology

School : Medicine and Dentistry

Fields of study:Biomedicine, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine

More details:Peninsula

top Degrees

Bachelor's Degree

Postgraduate Certificate in Education

Postgraduate Diploma

Master's Degree

Master of Philosophy


Fields of study:Biological and Life Sciences, Education, Medicine

top Academic Periodicals


Research Report

Updated on 17-04-2020