Bournemouth University (BU)
United Kingdom
General Information
Founded as Bournemouth College of Technology, became Dorset Institute of Higher Education 1976, Bournemouth Polytechnic 1990, and acquired present status and title 1992
October to July (October-December; January-March; April-July)
Level passes supported by 3 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)/General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary ('O') level passes; 3 Advanced ('A') level passes supported by 1 GCSE/GCE. 'O' level; BTEC or SCOTVEC National Certificate or Diploma, or equivalent. For non-native English speakers a minimum IELTS (academic) 6.0 or equivalent
Head : John Vinney
Job title:Vice-Chancellor
Years of office:2010-
Senior Administrative Officer : Jim Andrews
Job title:Chief Operating Officer
Senior Administrative Officer : Tim McIntyre-Bhatty
Job title:Deputy Vice-Chancellor
International Relations Officer : Jana Kuncova
Job title:Head of International Mobility and Experience
Faculty : Science and Technology
Fields of study:Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological and Life Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Geography, Heritage Preservation, Industrial Design, Psychology, Sound Engineering (Acoustics), Technology
School : Business
Fields of study:Accountancy, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Taxation
School : Health and Social Care
Fields of study:Midwifery, Nursing, Nutrition, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Social Work
School : Media
Fields of study:Journalism, Marketing, Mass Communication, Media Studies
School : Tourism
Fields of study:Cooking and Catering, Hotel and Restaurant, Leisure Studies, Sports, Tourism
Higher National Certificate
Higher National Diploma
Foundation Degree
Bachelor's Honours Degree
Master's Degree (taught)
Postgraduate Diploma
Master's Degree
Master of Philosophy
Fields of study:Biology, Computer Science, Design, Ecology, Education, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Finance, Health Sciences, Hotel Management, Journalism, Law, Marketing, Psychology, Technology, Tourism
Student & Staff Numbers
Statistics Year:2015-2016
Full Time Total:595
Full Time Total:432
Statistics Year:2015-2016
Updated on 15-10-2020