Bharathiar University  



top General Information



Province:Tamil Nadu

Post Code:641 046


Other Sites

Also 47 Affiliated Colleges

Institution Funding



Founded 1982.

Academic Year

June to May (June-November; December-May). MBA, June to May (June-September; October-January; February-May).

Admission Requirements

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)



Accrediting Agency

University Grants Commission (UGC); National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

top Officers

Head : A. Ganapathi

Job title:Vice-Chancellor

Senior Administrative Officer : B. Vanitha

Job title:Registrar

top Divisions

Department/Division : Textiles and Apparel Design

Fields of study:Textile Design

School : Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Fields of study:Biotechnology, Genetics

School : Chemical Sciences

Fields of study:Chemistry

School : Commerce

Fields of study:Accountancy, Business and Commerce, Finance

School : Computer Science and Engineering

Fields of study:Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology

School : Economics

Fields of study:Economics

School : Educational Studies

Fields of study:Communication Studies, Education, Mass Communication, Media Studies, Physical Education

School : English and Other Foreign Languages

Fields of study:English, Foreign Languages Education, French, German, Linguistics

School : Life Sciences

Fields of study:Biological and Life Sciences, Botany, Environmental Studies, Zoology

School : Management and Entrepreneur Development

Fields of study:Business Administration, Management

School : Mathematics and Statistics

Fields of study:Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics

School : Physical Sciences

Fields of study:Electronic Engineering, Nanotechnology, Physics

School : Social Sciences

Fields of study:Demography and Population, Psychology, Social Sciences, Social Work, Sociology, Women's Studies

School : Tamil and Other Indian Languages

Fields of study:Indic Languages

top Degrees

Bachelor's Degree

Master's Degree

Doctor of Philosophy


Also postgraduate Diplomas

Updated on 02-02-2018